nslookup en modo interactivo no guarda historial de tipeo

Estimados, c�mo podr�a hacer para que el nslookup en modo interactivo me guarde el historial de lo que ya he tipeado para hacerlo nuevamente? al presionar la tecla de la flecha hacia arriba me salen unos caracteres como estos ^[[A cada vez que presiono, esto no sucede cuando lo hago desde un winxp alguna sugerencia?

Gracias de antemano.

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Gabo, please use English in this forum.

Rough translation to English:

how could I do to make the nslookup in interactive mode history me save what I typed to do it again? by pressing the up arrow I get a character like this ^ [[ Every time I press, this does not happen when I do it from a winxp any suggestions?

To my knowledge, nslookup on unix does not have some kind of built-in command-line history. So this won't work without making some code modifications (for instance, linking it against the readline library and using its APIs). OTOH, you could use the "dig" tool, which is more convenient for looking up domains on the command line.

thank you otheus...I would use dig tool is better that nslookup.

host is another utility you could use.