Not delete space blank

Hi everyone, i need to "grep" a file with a string with space blanks, like this:

grep "XXXX      XX" file.txt

The problem, i need put the "XXXX XX" in a string variable. When the script executes the grep, do:

gresp XXXX XX file.txt

How can i solve this problem?

The code of script:

AUX=XXXX"        "XX
echo "AUX: "${AUX}
grep ${AUX} file.txt


Double quote the variable.


How does the doble quote like?

Sorry for my english, is bad.

grep "$AUX" file.txt

Thanks a lot!

Not sure if the X stands for sth like "any char except space". If no, disregard this post. If Yes, try

AUX="[^ ]{4} {3}[^ ]{2}"
grep -E "$AUX" file
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