Non-Root mode ... luxadm to show path(s) for Disks

Hi Gurus out there...
I am pondering over a situation where I have non-root access (user account), where I am trying to determine paths (including multipaths) on a host.
"luxadm display" seems very appropriate, but requires root access.
Is there anyway I can get the FC path information?

Even "luxadm probe" seems to give the paths, but seems very inconsistent across hosts.

Please any help if there is anyother way to determine paths for disks on a host?


I suggest using sudo(8) to allow the users concerned to run:

$ sodo luxadm display

Make sure you include the display parameter in the sudoers(5) file so that they cannot run luxadm to do anything else!

I think the sudoers line would look like this:

%luxdisp ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/luxadm display 

Where those in the luxdisp group can run luxadm display as the root user without having to provide a password.

A sudo package may be obtained from Sunfreeware - Freeware Open Source Software for Sun Microsystem's Solaris.