No shell access to sftp user

I have created two users on our ftp server. They will use sftp to connect this server. But I do not want them to give direct ssh access. If I give /bin/false shell, sftp will not work. If I give /bin/nologin, it fails with below messages

[root@vopdc076 ~]# sftp
Connecting to's password:
Received message too long 1416128883
[root@vopdc076 ~]#

Any other way to set it up like I want ?

Assuming you are using OpenSSH, use a combination of the internal-sftp subsystem and chroot. Lots of guides on the Internet on how to do it.

Deny ssh access to user trdeo.

Add below line to /etc/ssh/sshd_config

DenyUsers trdeo

Save the file and restart the sshd.

This is essentially deny user trdeo a ssh login but the sftp will work fine. Hope this helps.


You could also assign them the shell of scponly, if you have that installed.

I tried to make its shell as /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server and this worked

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Why not a restricted shell that exits when used interactively?

RudiC, I think, that also should work. I have not tested it yet