NFS4 and acl: perfect on Slackware,not working on centos6,why?

I have a problem with acl and nfs4 on centos.
On Slackware clients nfs4 fs mounted works
fine,acl (posix,not nfs acl) is respected.
On Centos 6.4 very strange thing..acl is not
working on nfs4.
nfsmount.conf and idmapd.conf are the same on all client
and kernel options on nfs acl are the same.
fs is ext4 on every client
Someone can help?

Very strange..

i use setfacl -m o:---
and slackware works :b:
but not centos!
i use setfacl -m o:r-x
and work also on Centos with acl :eek:

Maybe nfs-utils too old on centos(1.2.3)?