NFS Logs on AIX5.3

Hi people!

In my new job i have 5 servers running AIX 5.3.

In the 1st one (BackupSRV) i have a partition (from SAN) mounted on /arquive.
This partition its configured with NFS to be used by the other 4 servers.

In the 3 servers i can mount without any problems.
The 4rd one it gives me an error:

mount backupsrv:/arquivodist /_arquivo
nfsmnthelp: 1831-019 backupsrv: System call error number -1.

mount: 1831-008 giving up on:
System call error number -1.

I have the same /etc/hosts in all servers.

I dont have a clue why this is happening... does nfs make log? Anyone has some idea wanna share with me??

Thanks a lot

Can you provide a "showmount -e" on the exporting host, please? Usually nfs-errors are not logged on AIX - usually errors are written to errpt. But since only 1 host has connection problems via nfs, I doubt there is anything helpful in errpt.

Btw, there is an AIX subforum here (for the next time) :wink:


root@comer_pri:/> showmount -e backupsrv
export list for backupsrv:
/galmeida    distriqual,prequalidade,comer_pri,comerquali
/arquivodist distriqual,prequalidade,comer_pri,comerquali

Well... since i dont know if the problem is with AIX, i didnt put on the sub-forum. I think this problem also can happen in HP-UX... i think...


Do a ssh or telnet from the box where you are trying to mount, to the server which is exporting and while this, do a "who" on the exporting server to see, what hostname shows up. It could be, that for some reason, DNS or hosts, the machine is not recognized with the name of the allowed hosts, ie. one of those: "distriqual,prequalidade,comer_pri,comerquali".

root@comer_pri:/> ssh backupsrv
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*  Welcome to AIX Version 5.3!                                                *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
*  Please see the README file in /usr/lpp/bos for information pertinent to    *
*  this release of the AIX Operating System.                                  *
*                                                                             *
*                                                                             *
root@backupsrv:/> who
root        pts/0       Jun 18 10:23     
root        pts/1       Jun 19 15:09     

i hope this can help you helping me... :slight_smile:


Hehe ok. When I checked your 1st post, I thought you exchanged the real hostname vs. "backupsrv". Np :slight_smile:

No need of that...
they dont have direct connection for internet... and we have a good firewall! :wink:

so... dont imagine why nfs dont work?!?

Ah I did not look exactly at your post - the "who" did not show from which host those 2 entries are connected. I just tried it on some AIX 5.3 boxes and I usually get a hostname displayed too. This is the one thing I am looking for, if it shows "comer_pri" or something else, which might explain, why you are not allowed to mount it.
Maybe try "who" with different options or maybe "who am i" shows the hostname too.


Thanks a lot Zaxxon!

I tried what you said and notice that the ip which appears in 'who' command is not the same one that i had in /etc/hosts.
That is because the server is a cluster that have 4 networks interfaces.

Now i fix it and it worked fine!!!

Thanks for showing me some solutions and "opened my eyes".