Newbie Questions for AIX !!!

Hi Guys, I am new in this forum and new with AIX however not new with Power System. I have worked with iSeries for many years. Now supporting AIX on Power.

Here are some basic questions I have.

  1. I am using Putty to connect from my PC to the AIX boxes. Is there any other (better) program to use and to connect?

  2. How can I know which type of Hardware I am using? I know some of these boxes are blades and some IBM Power. Model, HW configuration, memory, etc.

This all for now folks.


Hi and welcome in the wonderful world of AIX :slight_smile:

  1. NO

  2. try lsconf and/or lparstat -i


Appreciated it ZXMAUS.

  1. Putty work fine, I use secure netterm and cygwin X.

  2. There is also prtconf.

Thanks AIX-GUY I will give a shot to netterm.:slight_smile:

you try with
:smiley: prtconf or
Displays system configuration information.
prtconf -s : displays the processor clock speed.
prtconf -k : displays the kernel type in use.
prtconf -m : displays memory.
snap Gathers system configuration information.

lsattr -El sys0 | grep model

Will give you the model # regardless if it is a power machine, or a blade server.