Newbie question-do I pause and exec my shell scripts?

Hi there,

I'm writing a script to restore 3 directories and 3 mysql db's every 24 hours. While writing the script, I came across the thought...

Do I need to pause between executions?


msql restore1.sql
rm -Rf path1/*
cp -Rf path1/* /restore1
chmod 777 /folder1/cache1


msql restore2.sql
rm -Rf path2/*
cp -Rf path2/* /restore2
chmod 777 /folder2/cache2


msql restore3.sql
rm -Rf path3/*
cp -Rf path3/* /restore3
chmod 777 /folder3/cache3

(This is not a real script of course) THANKS! :b:

no need.... unix execute each commands serially...
if u really want to pause use sleep comand like sleep 10 it pauses ur script for 6 sec..

Thank you so much for the quick reply! Excellent, thanks again :slight_smile: