Newbie question about syntax

Apologies for asking a dumb question - I am a total newbie and have a question about reading documentation.

In the man page for the command ps2pdf the synopsis is:

ps2pdf  [options...] {input.[e]ps|-} [output.pdf|-]   
ps2pdf12  [options...] {input.[e]ps|-} [output.pdf|-] 
ps2pdf13  [options...] {input.[e]ps|-} [output.pdf|-] 

I don't understand the details of {input.[e]ps|-}
Specifically what does the "e" represent?

TIA for your help.

You have .ps - postscript - files, and you have .eps - Encapsulated PostScript - files. That e stands for "encapsulated", is optional and shows that ps2pdf can work on both file types.