newbie question about hardware for HP-UX 11.i

I've been asked by my copmpany to scour the web for a computer on which we can run HP-UX 11.i --- Is there a certain architecture type that I need or will any Compaq HP computer be fine for running HP-UX 11.i ??


Try researching 'Itanium' or 'Superdome' on the HP site, for starters.

Thanks, Driver!! This info is exactly what I was looking for. Prior to my first post, I had looked at the Itanium and Superdome models, but they were more $$ than we wanted to spend.

Unfortunately, we are forced to use an HP for now becasue we are providing software to a client that is running on HP UX 11.i. Their long term plans are eventually to move to Linux (like all our other clients).

The type of 9000 support we get will end at the end of 2006 -
That's why we are leaving the 9000's.

I think the whole product line will be around for a while, but support will be expensive.