New to Solaris IPMP (conversion from Linux)


I don't know if you still need more info but I thought I would Chime in as I recently switched from IPMP over to Link-aggr and LACP.

What we found is due the application we were using, Load spreading was not working as expected.

IPMP is supposed to load balance only outbound traffic based on my research. What I found when reviewing dlstats, were only one port was actually being used.

  • Due to this our application was impacted. Users reported slow connectivity during peek times. We took a look at the server and there were plenty resources available since this is a new implementation and only one application on the server at the time. The application is network heavy. (IPMP configuration is what was recommended to us. There is a possibility that when it was setup, it was not done correctly).

As Solaris was pretty new to me and I came into the project half way, I suggested switching over to using link aggregation instead. Once switched over, performance has improved from the user experience which was the goal.

Not sure if this helps.
(I'm not a solaris admin but was only helping out to troubleshoot the issues)


Good point; I also wonder how the LAN switch can spread the load towards the host without LACP.
A simple test for redundant links:
remove one of the links for a while.
If connectivity stops, there is something wrong.
If throughput increases, there is something wrong.

Dear all,

Thanks for your advises.
I have yet to setup the lap on snoop yet to see if outbound traffic are spread via IPMP and base on condition (the spread will happen (e.g. different destination ip) ?
If anyone have any idea on how are the network being spread, please let me know as well.

Is there anyway we can see the current network traffic using netstat which will also include the interfaces that traffic is coming in/out from ?

I tried netstat -an, but it doesn't show the interface.


Did you try the commands at the end of my post #16?