New Discussion Timeline in Vue.js UserCP Mockup

Well, thanks to the amazing power of Vue.js, we now have a new timeline in version 0.23 of the UserCP Mockup:

Wow! I'm really impressed with Vue.js.

In this version:

  • Created database, and PHP model for the remote AJAX (Axios) call to retrieve 100 more recent posts.
  • Identified the first post in a thread by comparing the firstpostid with the postid for each entry.
  • Positioned the timeline entries based on either "starting" or "replying" to a discussion.
  • Added links back to the post for each entry in the timeline.

It's working fine for me :slight_smile: Hope it works a fine for you (in Chrome and Safari.. FF suxs, LOL)



Version 0.24:

  • Added link to each UIM / badge page to each timeline entry.

Well, thanks to the amazing power of Vue.js, we now have a new timeline in version 0.25 of the UserCP Mockup:

Cosmetic changes:

  • Removed icon in the center of the timeline (for the time being), for mobile.
  • Made the name of the discussion thread in the timeline bold (experimenting).
  • Changed the style of the date in the timeline slightly so it was not too small on mobile.