.netrc and ftp

Hello all,

I am using a .netrc to automatically access an ftp host. Here is the line I use...

machine 412.blank.com login nw\mylogin password *******

when I use this command...

ftp 412.blank.com

I get...

Connected to 412.blank.com.
220 server_7 FTP server (EMC-SNAS: ready.
331 Password required for nwmylogin.
530 Login incorrect.
Login failed.

The login information is correct if I manually type it in but as you can see above the '\' is taken out of the login name. Can anyone tell me why and how to get around this? I NEED that '\' in the login name. It worked in SGI but not AIX. Thank you.

Try escaping the backslash, i.e. \\

That's a no go. Still causes the same error...Any other suggestions?

Well I guess what I am really asking is a Windows server compatability issue.

Again, my line looks like this...
machine 412.blank.com login nw\mylogin password *******

The "nw\" in the login parameter is the domain which is required to ftp into a Windows server. Is there another way to include the domain in a .netrc file?

Hello i tried using .netrc while FTPing but i'm not able to get the result .. i'm not able to connect to the server ..Plzzz help ..:frowning: