Need to use UNIX to access a file from "the cloud"

Normally files are given to us via FTP and we use a program (DMX) to pull that file into our database. I have been told that we will be receiving a new file via "the cloud" and I need to prepare a method to access and otherwise process this file using UNIX/LINUX. I realize my request raises more questions but that's all the information I have. I need to put together and basic list of questions to ask because right now I don't know much about linux beyond running a few executables and changing directories.

What is meant by "the cloud"? I know what the cloud is in a general sense. Should I expect a network address or IP address or webpage or what?

Is it reasonable to ask that this mysterious cloud file be delivered to me via FTP where I can process it as I do all other files?

What commands in linux do I need to familiarize myself with to process this file into a database?

What questions do I need to ask about this file and its location that will help me?

Thanks for your patience.

Different cloud providers permit different access methods. so they should tell you what you can do (eg, http, ftp or whatever).

All Unix/Linux boxes can be configured as an ftp client and many others will provide a browser for http access (especially the GUI ones).