Need to send mail using mail command

Tried and checked with all.. All is well but i don't know why its not working.. We are using Fedora 12.

have you checked

mailq -v 
/var/spool/mqueue is empty

restart your mail service. that shouldn't be empty.

Am not a root user. And one more thing we are working with a huge server. If i do this surely it will make some serious trouble!! So have any other options to overcome this???

that is a vital information my friend if your not a root user there are things you just can not do to troubleshoot this problem. based on what i can gather its a communication block with the ports (most likely) - if this is a default install or fresh install you need to enable smtp services, which you'll need root access for. selinux might even be blocking your email's from going though. there's a lot of things to look into but you'll need root access.

Yeah.. I can able to switch as root.. But am doing this with out privilege. So if i do anything sensitive, that could make a serious issues..

to narrow it down...

try this:

ping your local machine with port 25 and a trace, then try and ping your destination machine with the port and try a trace. I don't know the rules of the organization so i'm not sure of your policies to restart smtp services but with root access you will be able to see if it is active or not without restarting it.

you may want to try telnet to your local server with port 25 as well to confirm it's working as well since your "localhost" is your mail server.

also try on both machines to send a email to the same machine.

port 25???What you really mean????