Need to search and replace in multiple files in directory hierarchy

Hello all
I need to search and replace in multiple files that are in directory hierarchy
Im using the :

ind . -name "*.dsp" -print | xargs grep -n -o Test.lib" , I like to be able to 

replace every instance of Test.lib
with empty space .
how can I write one liner that does this ?

find . -name "*.dsp" | xargs -i sed 's/Test.lib//g' {}

Hi, shamrock.

Did you mean:

find . -name "*.dsp" | xargs sed -i 's/Test.lib//g'

that is, to supply "-i" to sed as opposed to xargs?

Otherwise, the sed operation will not be written "in place" and the sed output for all files will go to STDOUT ... cheers, drl

If I may ask another question in this thread, what is I like to search string inside close archive like tar or jar
How should my find command look like ?