Need to get quotes in front of text without using any escape charecters and gsub

I have below tst.csv with the below content


Need to get the below o/p and the reqmt is we should not be using any escape charecter () and also gsub/sub only needs to be used to acheive the below expected o/p - as external program that we are using is not be decode the backslash charecter.

Expected o/p

"FORESS INTL PTN ""A"" (208)"

Tried the below cmd

awk '{gsub(/"/,"&&");gsub(/^""|""$/,"")}1' tst.csv

I get the below o/p


But not able to get double quotes in front of the text nor at the end of the line.

@reach2khan, you could use an awk variable and print it simply.

awk -v s1="\"" '{$(NF-1)=s1 $(NF-1) s1} 1'  Input_file

Here I have created variable s1 which has value as ", I am adding it to 2nd last item here.

R. Singh

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Try to \escape the literal " within the " "

awk '{gsub(/"/,"&&");gsub(/^""|""$/,"\"")}1' tst.csv
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I see that all arguments must be in quotation marks. I suggest the option if the string is a little more complicated

sed -r 's/"[^"]*"/&\r/g;s/\r([^"]+)/"\1"/g;s/^[^"]+/"&"/;s/\r//g' tst.csv

Or try something like this:

awk '{gsub(/"/,"&&",$2)}1' FS='^"|"$' OFS=\" file


perl -pe 's/(?<!^)"(?!$)/""/g' file
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@reach2khan, One more solution a Generic one, this will check all fields which are covered with " will add extra " before and after its value.

awk -v s1="\"" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~"^"s1".*"s1"$"){$i=s1 $i s1}}} 1'  Input_file

R. Singh

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The main thing is optimization! :slightly_smiling_face:

sed -r 's/(^")?([^"]+)"*/"\2"/g' tst.csv
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