Need to edit the menu.lst so it can work

I am trying to install three OS (Windows VISTA, OpenSUSE 11.3 & Solaris 11 Express) on a single drive of a laptop. However when I go to edit the /rpool/boot/grub/menu.lst to put the entry so it can boot the OpenSUSE 11.3 I get errors some of which result into starting all over again. I have also tried editing the /boot/grub/menu.lst to add the entry for Solaris 11 Express I get errors still. Could someone help me how I can accomplice this! I tried to google for examples but those examples are not helping. Thanks in advance.:wall:

            This is what I have for the menu.lst located in   /rpool/boot/grub:-
       splashimage /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz 
   foreground 343434 
   background F7FbFF 
   default 0 
   timeout 30 
   #---------- ADDED BY BOOTADM - DO   NOT EDIT ---------- 
   title Oracle Solaris 11 Express   snv_151a 
   findroot (pool_rpool,4,a) 
   bootfs rpool/ROOT/solaris 
   splashimage /boot/solaris.xpm 
   foreground FF0000 
   background A8A8A8 
   kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix   -B $ZFS-BOOTFS,console=graphics 
   module$ /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive   
   #---------------------END   BOOTADM-------------------- 
   # MicroSoft Windows Vista 
   title MicroSoft Windows Vista 
         rootnoverify (hd0,1) 
         chainloader +1 
   # OpenSUSE 11.3 
   title OpenSUSE 11.3 
         rootnoverify (hd0,6) 
         chainloader +1
  For the menu.lst in the OpenSUSE dir /boot/grub:-
      default 0
   timeout 8
   ##YaST - generic_mbr
   gfxmenu (hd0,6)/boot/message
   ##YaST - activate
   ###Don't change this comment -   YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux###
   title Desktop -- openSUSE 11.3 -   2.6.34-12
         root (hd0,6)
         kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.34-12-desktop   root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-TOSHIBA_MK2035GSS_674VF1ZNS-part7   resume=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-TOSHIBA_MK2035GSS_674VF1ZNS-part6 splash=silent   quiet showopts vga=0x361
         initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.34-12-desktop
   ###Don't change this comment -   YaST2 identifier: Original name: failsafe###
   title Failsafe -- openSUSE 11.3 -   2.6.34-12
         root (hd0,6)
         kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.34-12-desktop   root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-TOSHIBA_MK2035GSS_674VF1ZNS-part7 showopts apm=off   noresume edd=off powersaved=off nohz=off highres=off processor.max_cstate=1   nomodeset x11failsafe vga=0x361
         initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.34-12-desktop
   ###Don't change this comment -   YaST2 identifier: Original name: windows###
   title MicroSoft Windows VISTA
         rootnoverify (hd0,1)
         chainloader +1
   title Solaris 11
         rootnoverify (hd0,2) 
         chainloader +1
  The windows VISTA is 2nd partition.
  The solaris is 3rd partition.
  OpenSUSE is on 4, 5 & 6 partitions.