Need list of input and output parameter of task in a text file, using shell script

//file begin =====
//some code 
    task abcd_;
      input [1:0] x;
      input [2:0] y,z; //some comment
      output w; //some comment
      reg [3:0 ]p;
      integer q;
        //some code
    endtask : abcd_
//some code
//file end ===== 
expected output from above file is :
    [1:0] x
    [2:0] y
    [2:0] z

Dear rishifrnds,

I have guessed where the CODE tags should be, but feel free to edit your first post and place them correctly.

I have a few to questions pose in response:-

  • Is this homework/assignment? There are specific forums for these.
  • What language are you using?
  • What have you tried so far?
  • What output/errors do you get?
  • What OS and version are you using?
  • What logical process have you considered? (to help steer us to follow what you are trying to achieve)

Most importantly, What have you tried so far?

There are probably many ways to achieve most tasks, so giving us an idea of your style and thoughts will help us guide you to an answer most suitable to you so you can adjust it to suit your needs in future.

We're all here to learn and getting the relevant information will help us all.
