Need Linux equivalent for UNIX

I have a folder called "log" which has a few sub-folders say "fda" "fd7" "fdd" "fd6 .... "

I wish to fire the below command inside each subfolder starting with the folder with the latest time stamp.

grep "$greptime.*exit" Prod.$(hostname).log | grep $fdrdate_new

If the seach did not yield any results it should then seach inside the second latest sub folder till it reaches the oldest sub folder or if it finds the string.

Can you please suggest how can i on Linux.

Just the same way as on Unix.
afaik, both are POSIX compilant, and as long you use the same shell, it is, beside folder locations (simple speaking), 100% identical.

Scripting per-se, doesnt change beween unix, linux or bsd.

I dont know how-to on Unix either. All i can think of is we have a for loop that breaks off as soon as the result is found. Can you help.

After more than 375 posts, I am very disappointed that you still don't have any idea how to write a simple for or while loop using a standard shell! And, the title of this thread doesn't give any indication of what you are trying to do.

You were also very skimpy with details about whether or not all of your directories will actually contain a log file for the desired hostname, how the variables hostname , fdrdate , and greptime are set, nor where the log directory is located.

Maybe the following will give you a starting point:

#set -xv
fdrdate_new=${1:-fdrdate_new default value}
greptime=${2:-greptime default value}
hostname=${1:-default hostname}
cd "$basedir"
ls -td * | while [ "$looking" ] && read fn
	if [ ! -d "$fn" ]
	then	continue
	if grep "$greptime.*exit" "$fn/Prod.$hostname.log" | grep "$fdrdate_new"
	then	echo "Match found in file: $fn/Prod.$hostname.log"
	else	echo "No match found in file: $fn/Prod.$hostname.log"
if [ "$looking" ]
then	echo "No match found."
	exit 1