need help with sockets

anyone and teach me how to save standard output to a file in a client/server socket. I know how to read them to the screen but i'm not quite sure how to save them to a file.
my read to screen file code:

memset\(line, 0x0, LINE\_ARRAY_SIZE\);
while \(recv\(connectSocket, line, MAX_MSG, 0\) > 0\) \{
  cout << "  --  " << line << "\\n";
  if \(send\(connectSocket, line, strlen\(line\) \+ 1, 0\) < 0\)
    cerr << "Error: cannot send modified data";

  memset\(line, 0x0, LINE\_ARRAY_SIZE\);  // set line to all zeroes

i wanna save the display to a file for example abc.txt.

really hope sum1 can help me, thanks.

First of all, you don't "read" to the screen (or stdout), you "write" to it.

Second, I would store the number of bytes received in a variable. This way you don't need to use memset. Instead you can just set the last byte to zero.

Third, if you are already using c++ streams to write to stdout, you can also use an fstream to write into a file the same way.