Need help with C program

Can someone tell how do I get my function called "float OT_hours (float hrs[])" to output the number of hours worked for each employee using an array. I have a function called "void input_hours (int clock_number[],float Hours[])" that asks the user to input the number of hours for each employee. Do I get rid of the "void so that I can get this function to return the number of hours? I want to keep the function OT_hours on its own the only thing this function is suppose to do is find the amount of overtime hours that the employee worked.I then use the overtime hours that it returns in a function that determines gross pay.



#include <stdio.h>

#define num_empl 5

void input_hours (int clock_number[],float Hours[])


/* Declare Local Variable */

   int i;

   for \(i = 0; i &lt; num_empl; \+\+i\)


	   printf \(" \\n\\nEnter the hours for employee %06d : ", clock_number[i]\);
	   scanf \("%f", &Hours[i]\);


printf \("\\\\n\\\\n"\);


Function overtime_hours - Array Version /
Purpose: This function will input the number of hours worked /
for each employee. /
Parameters: Clock - array of clock id's for each employee /
Hours - array of hours worked for each employee /
num_employees - the total number of employees /
Returns: /

float OT_hours (float hrs[])


   int i;

   for \(i = 0; i &lt; num_empl; \+\+i\)


      if \( hrs [i]&gt; 40\)


         return \(hrs [i]- 40\);




	     return \(0.0\);




void Output_results (int clk_num_s[], float wage_s[], float hrs_s[], float ot_hrs_s[], float gross_pay[])


  int i;

  printf \("\\n"\);
  printf \("---------------------------------------------\\n"\);
  printf \("Clock\#    Wage     Hours    OT    Gross \\n"\);
  printf \("---------------------------------------------\\n"\);

  for \(i = 0; i &lt; num_empl; \+\+i\)       

	  printf \("%.6d   %5.2f   %5.1f   %5.1f  %7.2f\\n", clk\_num_s[i], wage_s[i], hrs_s[i], ot\_hrs_s[i], gross_pay[i]\);


  printf \("\\n"\);


main ()


 /* Declare variables */

 int clock\_id[num_empl] = \{98401, 526488, 765349, 34645, 127615\};
 float wage\_rate[num_empl] = \{10.60f, 9.75f, 10.50f, 12.25f, 8.35f\};
 float emp\_hrs[num_empl];
 float grossly_pay[5];

 input_hours \(clock_id, emp_hrs\);

 OT_hours \(emp_hrs\);

 Output_results \(clock_id, wage_rate, emp_hrs, OT_hours, grossly_pay\);


A function can't return an array. At best it could return a pointer to an array, but the array would still need to be allocated somehow.