Need Help with awk and arrays

now its owkring - thanks fo rthe help all .

what exactly have you tried so far?

Arrays in awk (and php) are purely associative. So you can say


Getting the busiest date and hour pretty much requires perl, but it's possible to do in gawk and maybe nawk. You'll need the mktime function in the least. It's ugly and you need to populate the full months table and some additional parsing.

BEGIN { m["Jan"]="01"; m["Feb"]="02"; } # and so on for all months

# split time field into numbers and letters
# construct timestamp into internal unix representation
ts=mktime( lt[4] " " m[lt[3]] " " lt[2]  " " lt[5]  " " lt[6]  " " lt[7]  " " lt[8]); 
# you don't care about minutes and seconds, so just replace lt[7] and lt[6] with 0's. You could make *two* timestamps -- one for just the days (hours 0'd out) and another for just the hours (always Jan-1-1970, but with the hour filled in).

# bump count for this ip address

END { 
  # find busiest day
  frequency=-1; busiest=-1;
  for (d in day) {
   if (day[d] > frequency) {
  print "busiest day: " busiest " hit " frequency " times";

done - thanks for the help ! :slight_smile:

check out what I had tried....

la la la la la la - :slight_smile: its owkring now.

First, finish filling out the months table in the BEGIN block. Second, the time-zone doesn't correctly get registered. Replace lt[8] with $5. Third, feel free to insert "print" statements to get some debugging output. I saw only a few lines of the log file, and I tested my code only against those liens.

This doesn't work as you expect. $1 stays the same. It's the same as doing:

 numIP[$1] = NR;

So each element in the array would be filled with the latest Record number. I'd expect the last IP address to have the highest count.

With all respect, I think you are confused about how AWK works. Your "program" is executed for each line of input, every time. It's like there's a big while loop around your code, and in each iteration, $0 is the input line, and $1, $2, etc, are the fields split via the regular expression in FS (whitespace by default). NR just indicates the current record (line) number. If you want to know if the current record's day is not the same as the previous, you have something like:

if (day != tmp) {
   # New day code here
   # ie, print how many IPs were hit on this day
   print hits_on_this_day;
   # change day to match current record
   day = tmp;
else {

No need to initialize "day".