Need help on physical cpu utilization

command to find physical cpu utilization other than nmon


you can use any of the following commands to see the CPU utilization.
vmstat, sar , topas, iostat ==> look for %entc (entitled capacity)usage

ps aux ==> shows CPU and memory usage of processes
ps aux | head -1; ps aux | sort -rn +2 | head -20 ==> Top CPU processes


The following script records the 15 active processes that
consumed the most CPU time other than the processes owned by the user of the script:

# ps -ef | egrep -v "STIME|$LOGNAME" | sort +3 -r | head -n 15
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@System Admin 77:
Thanks a lot for your helpfulness, but constantly ignoring the advices including PMs to use code tags does lead to a collection of infraction points. In the end there will be a ban, which shouldn�t be necessary, so think about using them please.


i will make a note of it. Thanks for reminding me

How do i check high cpu %

You have a very similar thread here. Read the answers, ask if you do not understand what is being said or let people know if this is not what you are looking for. And maybe start reading some documentation, can�t harm. Take this as a warning for double posts.