need help cut -f3 -d"," or sed?

Would appreciate any help you could offer.
I have this .CSV
i need to get the third column

example row:
"002010XX","they can andwill, enter,anything","+CODE","","","","","","

cut thinks the third column is: enter, but i need +CODE

Thanks for your time

perl -ne '@line=$_=~/"(.*?)"/g; print $line[2]."\n";' file.csv
> cat file159
"002010XX","they can andwill, enter,anything","+CODE","","","","","","
> sed 's/","/"~"/g' file159 | cut -d"~" -f3


both work fine.

but i need the quotes to compare, so I'll use the sed version.

I wish I had thought of that.