Need assistance with a file issue and a terminal issue

Hello everyone, I'm in need of some assistance. I'm currently enrolled in an introductory UNIX shell programming course and, well halfway through the semester, we are receiving our first actual assignment. I've somewhat realized now that I've fallen behind, and I'm working to get caught up, but for now I really could use some clarification on the two different tasks I need to setup in csh.

First one I've got about halfway finished. The assignment is to write a csh script that takes in a file and a directory name as parameters, validates that both arguments exist, then reads in a list of file names located in the parameter file and creates backups of those files within the param directory. I've got the permissions down, and I think I can handle creating the backup files, but I can't figure out any good way to read the file names from within the param file. Any commands I should be aware of here?

Second, and I haven't quite gotten very far on this one just yet, I need to create a simple script program which displays a welcome message to the user that opens it, but is only accessible from a specific terminal. Accessing the script from a different terminal should cause the program to immediately exit. Seems simple enough, but I don't know how to access the terminal ID or find any way to identify it.

If anyone is feeling generous enough to offer some assistance/clarification, I would greatly appreciate some help here. I'm pretty well stuck.

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