Naviscore NMS Problem...Need Help, Will Pay good

We have a network of Lucent BSTDX9000 switches for fiber and wireless links in the United States and Costa Rica. I was dragging a BSTDX9000 switch icon in my Naviscore NMS and it disappeared.

All of my trunks and circuits are still fuctioning properly but I can't figure out how to get the icon back. I'm screwed if something happens in that switch and I can't get into it.

I'm willing to pay whatever it takes and we can set someone up to remotely log in.

The system is a SUN Ultra 5 that is running HP Openview and Naviscore.

If you are serious that you can fix it, please respond

Thanks, Scott

Have you tried the unix find command? It probably got parked in an oddball directory.

Are you running your window(s) locally or on a remote box?

We program all our switches out of this local SUN

i'm going to have to say this is a hpov/naviscore issue (sorry you deal with lucent). not so much a sun/solaris issue.

so in hpov, the icon has disappeared?