Nagios and DB Oracle (check_Oracle_instant)

hi all!
I installed Nagios on my CentOs virtual Machine.
I downloaded the plugin named 'check_oracle_instant' to control oracle services and for monitor the state of DB.
I copied the script in the path /usr/local/nagios/libexex
and i put 'nagios' like owner for the script.

In the path


, i modified the file 'commands.cfg' adding

define command {
command_name check_oracle_instant
command_line ...

I definied the service in another file and i runned the command

/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

No error i received!!!
I restarted nagios, but the script don't works!!!

nagios says :
(Return code of 126 is out of bounds - plugin may be missing)

if i try to run the script with the nagios owner I received


bad interpreter: No such file or directory

waiting for your help...

ps: my db is a remote db..

You used an editor on a Windows PC, then saved the file to UNIX. See the ^M

That is an unwanted artifact from windows carriage control.

You need to go back to your editor and save the edits you made using UNIX carriage control. If that is not possible then, for any file UNIX you messed with on your PC: change it back to UNIX carriage control with the dos2unix command.
Assuming you have the usual GNU version dos2unix

dos2unix [filename]

Be sure to check your man page for exact syntax. First.

ok.... now the error is ..

bash: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle_instant: /usr/bin/perl/: bad interpreter: Not a directory