my system configuration

Here with I am submitting a script [File attached too], which is made for my use. It may be useful for anyone. I did't given in functions and all..[little lazy]..

I am posting in this forum , because anyone can reply to this thread , for any change/addition.

And yea , suggestions awaiting..:slight_smile:


# System configuration 
# (All most complete information)
# @uther :

#This script path and name---------------[
if [ `dirname $0` == "." ] ; then
#This script path and name---------------[

#-----------check root or any local user-----#
userId=`id -g`
if [ $userId == 0 ]; then

echo ""
echo " System configuration"
echo " ===================="

date_n_time=`date '+%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S'`

os_installed=`cat /etc/issue | head -1`
os_name=`uname -a`
hw_platform=`uname -i`
if [ $hw_platform == "i386" ]; then
if [ $hw_platform == "x86_64" ]; then

no_of_users=`who | wc -l`
users=`users | awk '{ while(++i<=NF) printf (!a[$i]++) ? $i FS : ""; i=split("",a); print "" }'`

ip_address=`echo \`ifconfig | grep "inet addr"| grep -v "" | awk '{print $2}' |cut -d: -f2 \` |tr " " ","`

cpu=`grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d: -f2 | head -1`
no_of_cpu=`grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d: -f2 | wc -l`

#RAM and Swap Info------------------------[
Javaversion=`java -version  2>&1 | awk '{print $2$3$4}' |tail -1`
RamInSystem=`echo \`dmidecode --type 17 | grep "Size" | grep "MB" |awk '{print $2}'\``
RAM_total_available=`free -m 2>&1 | awk '{print $4}' | head -2 | tail -1`
RAM_total_cut=`echo $RamInSystem | awk '{print $1+$2+$3+$4+$5}'| awk '{print $1 / 1000}' | bc | cut -d. -f1`
swapInstalled=`cat /proc/swaps | tail -1 | awk '{print $3 / 1000000}' | bc`
swapInstalled_cut=`echo "$swapInstalled"  | cut -d. -f1`
RamMulByTwo=`echo "$RAM_total_cut * 2" | bc`
if [ $RamMulByTwo -le $swapInstalled_cut ]; then
swapOkOrNot=`echo "Yes"`
swapOkOrNot=`echo "No. Atleast $RamMulByTwo GB should be there"`
RAM_total_used=`free -m 2>&1 | awk '{print $3}' | head -2 | tail -1`" MB"
countRams=`echo $RamInSystem | wc -w`
RamSize=`echo $RamInSystem | tr " " ","`" MB [$countRams RAM(s)]"
#RAM and Swap Info------------------------]

#HDD Info------------------------[
if [ $userId == 0 ]; then
No_of_HDDs=`fdisk -l 2>&1 | grep Disk | grep -v "identifier" | grep -v "valid partition" | awk '{print $3}' | wc -l`
countHDD=`fdisk -l 2>&1 | grep Disk | grep -v "identifier" | grep -v "valid partition" | awk '{print $3}' | wc -m`
countHDD=`echo $[ $countHDD - 1 ]`
HDD=`fdisk -l 2>&1 | grep "Disk" | grep -v "identifier" | grep -v "valid partition" | awk '{print $3 ""}' | tr "\n" ","| cut -c1-$countHDD`" GB [$No_of_HDDs HDD(s)]"
HDD="not configured -deepak"
#HDD Info------------------------]

#Tomcat-Status-----------can be used in tomcatservice file /etc/init.d/tomcat...--------[
tomcat_count=`ps -ef | grep catalina | grep -v "grep catalina" | grep -v "catalina.out"| wc -l`
psid=`ps -ef | grep catalina | grep -v "grep catalina" | grep -v "catalina.out" | awk '{print $2}' | head -1`
if [ $tomcat_count = 1 ]
tomcat_status="Running. ( pid "`ps ax --width=1000 | grep "[o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start" | awk '{printf $1 " "}'`")"
KBusedbyTomcat=`pmap $psid 2>&1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -dK -f1`
elif [ $tomcat_count -gt 1 ]
tomcat_status="Not Running (There may be an error. Pid "`ps ax --width=1000 | grep "[o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start" |awk '{printf $1 " "}'`")"
tomcat_status="Not Running"

postgres_count=`ps -ef | grep postgres | grep -v "grep postgres" | wc -l`
if [ $postgres_count -gt 0 ]; then
postgres_status="Running. ( pid "`ps ax --width=1000 | grep "postgres" | grep -v "grep postgres" | awk '{printf $1 " "}'`")"
postgres_status="Not Running"

if [ $RAM_total_available -lt 50 ]; then
echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t:X: DANGER :X:\n\t\t\t\t\tSystem Running in very low memory : $RAM_total_available MB only"

echo ""
echo " Computer Name                  : $host_name"
echo " Operating System (Name)        : $os_installed"
echo " Operating System (Description) : $os_name"
echo " OS Hardware platform           : $hw_platform"
echo " System Date & Time             : $date_n_time"
echo " IP address(es) given           : $ip_address"
echo " CPU                            :$cpu [$no_of_cpu cpu(s)]"
echo " RAM installed                  : $RamSize"
echo " RAM available                  : $RAM_total_available MB"
echo " Java version                   : $Javaversion"
echo " Swap memory			: $swapInstalled"
echo " Swap memory is enough ?	: $swapOkOrNot"
echo " RAM used                       : $RAM_total_used"
echo " Hard disk(s)                   : $HDD"
echo " Users logged in                : $users (in $no_of_users places)"

echo ""
echo " Tomcat status                  : $tomcat_status"
echo " Memory used by Tomcat          : $KBusedbyTomcat KB"
echo " Postgres status                : $postgres_status"
echo ""

echo ""
echo "!!! Please Login as root OR enter root password!!!"
su root -c "$thisScript"

Some comments:

1) We often get the "linux newbie memory freakout" here. A new user may see "56M free" and panic -- rebooting obsessively when free gets low, plugging bizzare and harmful values into /proc/vm to "flush the cache", and sometimes even reformatting just to try and solve an imaginary memory leak. Any decently busy system converts 'free' to 'cache' in short order, which is fine -- cache is as good as free.

2) It'd be better to leave dmidecode out than demand random people run your untested script as root.

3) Run ifconfig with the full path, /sbin/ifconfig, so non-root users can find it.

4) Not everyone has java. Test if java exists before trying to get its version.

5) You can get disk information without root and fdisk, as well as tons of other stuff, via /sys:

# Sizes and models of all hard drives
for X in /sys/class/block/[sh]d[a-z]
        D=$(basename ${X})
        read TYPE < ${X}/removable
        read SIZE < ${X}/size
        read MODEL <"${X}/device/model"
        [ "$TYPE" = 0 ] || continue # Ignore removable drives
        set -- ${X}[1-9]* # Set $# to the number of partitions

        TOTAL=$((TOTAL + SIZE))
        echo "$D[1-$#]: $(((SIZE*512)/(1000*1000*1000)))GB $MODEL"

echo "Total: $(( (TOTAL*512)/(1000*1000*1000) )) GB"

# MAC addresses of all network cards
for DEV in /sys/class/net/*
        D=`basename $DEV`
        [ "$D" = "lo" ] && continue # Ignore loopback
        [ "$D" = "sit0" ] && continue # Ignore ipv6 tunnel

        read MAC < $DEV/address
        echo "$D mac $MAC"

# Get some DMI information without needing root
cat /sys/class/dmi/id/* 2>/dev/null
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I could not look all of script but i can say something as far as I look over.:wink:

RamInSystem=`echo \`dmidecode --type 17 | grep "Size" | grep "MB" |awk '{print $2}'\``
RamInSystem=`dmidecode --type 17 | grep " MB" |awk '{s+=$2}END{print s}'`
RAM_total_cut=`echo $RamInSystem | awk '{print $1+$2+$3+$4+$5}'| awk '{print $1 / 1000}' | bc | cut -d. -f1`
RAM_total_cut=`echo $RamInSystem|awk '{if ($1>999){x=$1/1000;split(x,a,".");print a[1]} else {print "."$1}}'`
if [ $RamMulByTwo -le $swapInstalled_cut ]; then
swapOkOrNot=`echo "Yes"`
swapOkOrNot=`echo "No. Atleast $RamMulByTwo GB should be there"`
echo|awk -v c=$RamMulByTwo -v d=$Installed_cut '{if (c<=d) printf "%s\n","Yes";else printf "%s\n","No. Atleast $RamMulByTwo GB should be there"}'
RAM_total_used=`free -m 2>&1 | awk '{print $3}' | head -2 | tail -1`" MB"
RAM_total_used=`free -m 2>&1 | awk 'NR==2 {print $3" MB"}'`
countRams=`echo $RamInSystem | wc -w`
countRams=`dmidecode --type 17 | grep " MB"|awk 'END{print NR}'`


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Thanks a lot.

I was expecting the same. Surely i will make it. I will re-make including these suggestions.

Any way , waiting for more replies.