Multiplying Floats/Decimals

Is there a way that i can get something like this to work:

Number=`expr 80 \* 10.69`

i.e. To multiply an integer by a decimal or a decimal by a decimal etc...?

One approch among many...

n=$(echo |awk '{ print 80*10.69}')

Thanks. How could i do something like this:

Number=$(echo | awk '{ print $TEST*10.69}')

where $TEST is some integer?

Use "bc" here:

$ Number=`echo 80 \* 10.69 |bc`; echo $Number

This gives me an error:
line 34: bc: command not found

Check whether "bc" is there in your machine or not.
It should be here : /usr/bin/bc (check with command: "whereis bc", check your PATH also to execute bc),
Hope this helps :slight_smile:

not on my machine :frowning:

is there some other way i can do this. i realise that it is really simple so there must be another easy way

Here is the solution to pass variable for the above awk computation:

$ S=80; Number=`echo |awk '{ print "'"$S"'"*10.69}'` ; echo $Number

** Mind this -> "'" (double quote-single quote-double quote) :slight_smile:

thanks JADUKS - you are genius

You can do it this way....
rather than putting "double quote-single quote-double quote" :slight_smile:

S=80; Number=`echo |awk -v var1=$S '{ print var1*10.69}'` ; echo $Number

Ya, thats another way of passing variables to awk, awk -v xx=$....