Mozilla running remotely

We have a server that has CDE and Mozilla installed on it. I have a develpoer who want to have an application start Mozilla locally on the AIX server (which has no video card) or wants Mozilla running on the server at all times. Can anybody tell me if this is at all possible? If so how and if not why. I don't think it but wanted to verify.

he has to install an xserver emulator on windows,

then ssh/telnet/rlogin to the aix-machine

export DISPLAY=hisdesktopip:0

:0 may vary, but should be default
and then start mozilla

mozilla should open on his local xserver on windows

I used cygwin for this, as long as I used windows
just open a shell in cygwin and start the xserver with "startx"

if on linux, the xsession can be tunneld over ssh
login to the server using

ssh -X aixhost

sshd on aix must allow X11 forwarding
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

#X11Forwarding no
X11Forwarding yes
stopsrc -s sshd
startsrc -s sshd

mozilla should open on his local linux xserver then

if ssh is not available, he can forward his ip adress as described above, and has to

xhost +aixip

on his desktop

to allow the remote X11 connection to his local xserver

there should be a way to tunnel the xsession over ssh on windows too, but I havent spent time in this yet

the other question is, what is he trying to do with the aix mozilla? if there is an webserver running on the aix-system, then it should be accessible from his local desktop browser too
if you have a firewall between aix-server and his desktop, then the simple X11 forwarding will not work, you need to activate port 6000 on the firewall for his desktop ip

As I recall, if there are routers in between, they must also be configured property for X to work across a network.

Maybe this can be circumvented by tunneling?

If you use the ssh tunneling (-X) then you don't have to worry about firewalls in between because it is all tunneled down the single port 22 TCP connection.

"Routers" in a closer sense (that is: Layer-3-devices) will not have to be configured for this at all, because X uses simple TCP connections (to port 6000, as mentioned) and routers will almost always forward TCP packets.

If the router in question has some gateway/firewall (which is a Layer-4-device) functionality, then what garethr has said applies. If you want to avoid tunneling then, yes, you would have to configure the router accordingly.
