Move all files from dir and subdir to Archive with File name as complete path_filename


I need to move all files from a dir & its all subdir to Archive folder which is indise dir only. and moved filename should changed to complete path ( Like Dir_subdir_subdir2_.._filename ). also all files names shoud capture in a file in order to mail

I written below code

        perl  -e '@d=localtime ((stat(shift))[9]); printf "%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d\n", $d[5]+1900,$d[4]+1,$d[3],$d[2],$d[1],$d[0]' "$1"
#$count -eq 0
for int in `ls -l $FFile | grep ^d | awk '{print $9}'`
if [ ! -d arch ]; then
   echo " *******  not inside Arch and also  not in Organised ***** -----*"
   #echo `ls |wc -l`
   find $FFile -type f| awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"} {print $NF}' > $Flist
   while read line
   #echo "  inside while read line "
                        if [ -e $FFile/"$line" ]; then
                                ftime=$(filetime $FFile/"$line" )
                                yyyy=`echo $ftime | cut -c 1-4`
                                mm=`echo $ftime | cut -c 5-6`
                                dd=`echo $ftime | cut -c 7-8`
                                echo "  Added time stamp to file name "
                        if [ ! -d $arch/$int$monyyyy ]; then
                        mkdir $arch/$int$monyyyy
                        echo $FFile/$int/"$line"
                        echo $arch/$int/$monyyyy/"$line"
                        mv $FFile/$int $arch/$int$monyyyy

   done < $Flist
  # echo " -----------   moved to archived now check ------------"

My code is moving just the FileLIst ( which contains name of all files) not the files. Also how can i prefix filename before moving to folder with time stamp of file created

You seem to have be solving a simple problem in a complicated way. Can you not just use tar?

tar cf $arch/$monyyyy.tar $FFile

creates a tar file in the "$arch" directory with your derived time stamp on it (which I would get using `date +%m%Y` ) and all the files underneath "$FFile"

Do you really need something more complicated?


Thanks for your help.
But my requirement is I need to moves files with full path + date & time of the file created not the sysdate time

The tar program saves the time attributes of the files it archives.


can any 1 help me with getting file creation time as the renamed file?
rest of the things are working.

but i need

dir1-->f1 ( time of creation of file can get by ls -lrt)
mv f1 dir1/archived/f1_time_of_file_creation

please help me with this.

I don't understand why you use a perl script just to get the mtime from the file you want to move. Why not just do the whole thing in perl? I have no idea what $int is supposed to mean. I also don't understand why you use the perl script to output the time in a format that you then have to parse with 3 separate invocations. Here's a more logical alternative:

filetime() {
   # Change %F,%T as needed. See "man strftime"
   perl  -mPOSIX -e 'print POSIX::strftime("%F,%T\n",localtime((stat(shift))[9]))' ; 

while read line ; do 
        test ! -e "$FFile/$line" && continue;

        monyyyy=$(filetime "$FFile/$line")
        mkdir -p $arch/$line
        mv "$FFile/$line" $arch/$line/$monyyyy

But I think this entire approach could be simplified with using GNU's fileutils' find:

# Step 1: Create the list of files
cd $sdir
find . -type f -printf "%T+ %p\n" > $flist

# Step 2: create the directory tree in adir
cd $adir
awk '{ print $2 }' $flist | xargs $DEBUG mkdir -p 

# Step 3: move the files
cd $sdir
cat $flist | 
while read time path ; do
   $DEBUG mv $path $adir/$path/$time

To prevent this from destroying files while you test, export DEBUG=echo

Useless Use of Cat

You could just do


while read time path ; do
   $DEBUG mv $path $adir/$path/$time
done <$flist

Of course.... I'm trying to be instructional. :stuck_out_tongue:

hi Thanks for your help. But

find . -type f -printf "%T+ %p\n" this is not working in my unix 
find: bad option -printf
find: path-list predicate-list

this error is coming.

For finding time I tried this also

find . -type f --time 

again --time is not supoorted by my unix.

yeah you need GNU's find. Ask your admin to install it

Hi both,

thanks a lot for your help. I am very near to solve my problem but as sugessted by you i am trying to use this -

find . -type f -printf "%T+ %p\n"

but my unix says -printf is unknown i tried same with -print then it says %T %p are bad options.

Also i tried to use while loop with time and path but it is not fetching time & path into it.

I am using ksh. Please let me know if you required some more info about mu unix.


In my solution, you need to use GNU's find. You can replace it, however, with a perl script:

find . -type f -print | perl -mPOSIX -ne 'chop;$t = (stat($_))[9]; 
  print POSIX::strftime("%F+%T ",localtime($t)).$_."\n"'

So it's just using the traditional find command (perl can do this, but it's uglier) to feed into perl, which for each filename (reading from stdin) gets the time's filestamp ($t) and prints it out in the same format as GNU's %T+, followed by a space and the filename and the newline.