mount: /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 no such device

I've searched through and google for this issue I am having on one particular Sun E280R with installing netbackup software from CD. I know the cd is good because i installed the software on 4 other servers right before this one.

This is the issue I am seeing. vold does not mount the CD when it's inserted so I stopped vold, and tried to mount it manually

I'm also adding the iostat info. Maybe that will help.

I don't know why its not recognizing the drive. Any idea?

According to the mount_hsfs man page your mount command is wrong because "-o ro" is required. Not sure if I believe that... :stuck_out_tongue: But when I can't get it to work my way, sometimes I try following the instructions. :slight_smile:

I wanted to post back to let everyone know the problem. It's of the ID10T variety.
Basically I put the CD in the wrong server and the reason the OS would not mount the CD is because there was no CD in the drive. A good 35 minutes wasted.