Monitoring shell script if object is down and it should update the child objects status as well

Viewers Please help me to get out of the below issue.. Thanks in advance

Required shell script for Monitoring status of the objects and it should update the child objects status as well.


  1. We are working on IIB (IBM Integration Bus v10) and trying to implement the broker (' we call broker as object ') status updates into logs as well as it should generate an alert to application team. Need a shell script which should write the update of objects and its sub objects into logs when it is down and at the same time it should generate an alert to inform the application team.

please help me to write a code:

some of the information related to IIB which might help you:

Broker start and stop commands:
mqsistart brokername
mqsistop brokername

broker sub object is execution group:
mqsistartmsgflow brokername -e executiongroupname
mqsistopmsgflow brokername -e executiongroupname

broker sub object is execution group and execution sub object is flow:
mqsistartmsgflow brokername -e executiongroupname -m flowname
mqsistopmsgflow brokername -e executiongroupname -m flowname

Broker process are:

  • bipbroker
  • bipservices
  • biphttplistener

The above are the 3 process for the Broker (object).

I want above all the 'objects' called broker, executiongroup and flow these three status update should write into logs if any object is down and at the same time it should generate alert to application team.

Please help on this requirement

Thanks and Regards,