The current environment I am working with is HP UX 11.31. I am working with Oracle support on a "Heavy swapping" issue. The recommendation from Oracle support is to change the memlock parameter values in the /etc/security/limits.conf file. However, I and our UNIX administrator cannot find that file or the security directory under /etc. Is the /etc/security/limits.conf file supposed to be present under HPUX 11.31 or did the memlock parameter change locations? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
No, certainly does not exist in HP-UX. (It exists in Linux, and usually is applied via PAM during a system access.)
In HP-UX you can alter global limits in the kernel via kctune , but I recommend to set a limit in the start shell script (located in /sbin/init.d/) with a ulimit command.
Does not work if an Oracle process is directly started by inittab. (Unless inittab runs an Oracle shell wrapper, then this is the correct place for a ulimit .)
If a certain limit is not controllable by the shell, not listed by ulimit -a , then you must tune the global kernel limit (and reboot to activate).
In addition to the good advice from @MadeInGermany, I'd also suggest that you get back to Oracle support and make it very clear to them that you're using HP-UX, since they are obviously under the mistaken impression that you're asking for support for a Linux system. Best to clear up that misunderstanding now, so they can make a note of it for the future.