minimum number of unique key


a    1
a    2
a    -1
b    1
b    2
b    3


a    -1
b    1


---------- Post updated at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:10 PM ----------

Ok I managed it

pc290 ~/Desktop
$ awk ' NR {if(a[$1]=="") a[$1]=$2;if(a[$1]>=$2) {a[$1]=$2; sa[$1]=$0;}}NR&&$NR>x{x=$NR;line=$0}END{for(i in sa){print sa};}' input
a       -1
b       1

Or like this:

awk '{a[$1]=($2<a[$1]||!a[$1])?$2:a[$1]}END{for(i in a) print i,a}' file
awk '{if(a[$1]==""||a[$1]>=$2)a[$1]=$2}END{for (i in a)print i "\t" a}' infile 

nice ones. I have to agree my code is ugly compare to your codes.


sort -k1,2r -n urfile |awk '{a[$1]=$2} END {for (i in a) print i,a}'

could any one explain ripat code plz


# execute this block for every line
    # we will work on a array which will have $1 as key and $2
    # as value only if that $2 is lower than previous a[$1] value.
    # ternary conditional: <condition> ? <value if true> : <value if false>
    # if $2 is less than the current value of a[$1] or if a[$1] 
    # doesn't exist, then we assign $2 to it else
    # we give its own value (ie no change))
    a[$1] = ($2<a[$1]||!a[$1]) ? $2 : a[$1]

# once at the end of the file, execute this block
    # traverse array a and print its key and value
    for(i in a) print i,a

It is exactly the same idea as with the other awk solutions. It is only written differently.

Thanx. Really appreciate for your time