Menu in Menu script issue

I am trying to create a menu in a menu script and I am running into an issue with the calculator portion of the script. I am first presented with the ==Options Menu== which all 5 options working correctly. Now comes the fun part. I select option 1 which takes me to my ==Calculator Program== and then select option 1 again to run an addition calculation. After entering in my numbers and being presented with an answer, I am asked "Do you want to continue (Y/N)." If I select Y, I am present with another "Do you want to continue (Y/N)" and selecting Y again will bring me back to the ==Options Menu==. If I had selected N the first time, I would have exited the script entirely.

Intended Product
I am trying to understand how to loop the script to go back to the ==Calculator Program== menu upon selecting Y or just loop back automatically after the answer is provided and allow the user to exit by the selectable menu.

You can lop in ==Calculator Program==

just the same way you loop in ==Option menu==

You can use break to get out of a while loop without exiting the entire script.

Use function when you do some tasks many times.

By the way, here is a sample of your code with some little improvment

case $option in

        echo $1
        echo "Enter first number" ; read a
        echo "Enter second number"; read b
        op=`expr $a "$SIGN" $b`
        [[ $op -ge 0 ]] && COLOR=$BLUE || COLOR=$RED
        echo -e Answer is: $COLOR"$op"$BLACK

while :
        echo ==Calculator Program==
        echo "1 - Addition"
        echo "2 - Subtraction"
        echo "3 - Multiplication"
        echo "4 - Division"
        echo "5 - Back to previous Menu"
        echo "6 - Exit"
        echo "Please enter your option"
        read option

        MSG="" ; SIGN=''
        case $option in
                1) MSG="==Addition==" ; SIGN='+' ; compute "$MSG" ;;
                2) MSG="==Subtraction==" ; SIGN='-' ; compute "$MSG" ;;
                3) MSG="==Multiplication==" ; SIGN='*' ; compute "$MSG" ;;
                4) MSG="==Division==" ; SIGN='/' ; compute "$MSG" ;;
                5) clear ; break ;;
                6) echo "Ok bye" ; exit 0 ;;
                *) echo "Enter valid option" ;;

If we want to exit, there already is a choice in the menu, so .... the following lines are useless (and even bad for the workflow of query)

echo "Do you want to contine (Y/N)"
read opt;
echo $opt | grep -i 'y'
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
 exit 0