Memory issues iin CentOS release 5.3 (Final)

New to the forum.

I am running CentOS release 5.3 (Final) and have run into a unique situation.

I have been able to determine that we have a swap memory leak due to an issue with an asterisk server. This specific issue takes approximately 2-3 months for enough of the swap to to be used before it causes lockups. We have created a fix, a script that monitors swap and when it gets to a specified level, will restart the asterisk server and clear the swap.

Keep in mind that this is a production server (Or several) and limiting downtime is a must.

What I need to do is test this fix on my lab server before applying the fix to the production servers.

Is there a way to force swap memory usage whiten the CentOS?

This would keep us from having to wait months in order to test the fix.

Thanks in advance

use mem= when booting the server (kernel boot line) to change the amount of physical memory seen. That will force swapping sooner.