Matching pattern in two files and print the line


I want to match the pattern in file1 with file2 and print the value in file2 and paste in file1

ISHO RT SR                                Major     96.46778
Drop Call Rate CS                       Critical  0.5072662
ISHO RT SR                                Major     97.754364
Active HS-DSCH MAC-d          Critical  1979.25
ISHO RT SR                                Major     97.31076


RRC Stup RNC Failures   0.1
Active HS-DSCH MAC-d    2000    
Drop Call Rate PS       0.8
ISHO RT SR    96

I want the output:

ISHO RT SR                                Major     96.4        96
Drop Call Rate PS                       Critical  0.50         0.8
ISHO RT SR                                Major     97.75      96
Active HS-DSCH MAC-d          Critical  1979.25   2000
ISHO RT SR                                Major     97.3       96

I tried grep each pattern:

grep -i 'pattern' file1 file2 ',awk '{$0}''

It's not working

Your data format is not scripting friendly (no clear delimiter between fields). Anyway... Try this:

awk 'NR==FNR{x=$NF;$NF="";sub(" $","",$0);a[$0]=x;next}{for (i in a) if ($0~i) $(NF+1)=a}1' file2 file1

The example you've provided is ambiguous or need some precisions.

example : in your file1 :

Drop Call Rate CS ...

in your file2 :

Drop Call Rate PS ...

in your output :

Drop Call Rate PS ...

Should we suppose that you check the matching on the 3 first words only?
Or is you file TAB delimited and should the matching be based on the whole first field ?


I used :

awk 'NR==FNR{x=$NF;$NF="";sub(" $","",$0);a[$0]=x;next}{for (i in a) if ($0~i) $(NF+1)=a}1' file2 file1

and paste the values fine.

What about line up the last two vaules (How I can interpret \t tab for insertion to line up the value in same column and get the output:

ISHO RT SR  Major     96.4  96
Drop Call Rate PS Critical  0.50  0.8
ISHO RT SR  Major     97.75  96
Active HS-DSCH MAC-d Critical  1979.25 2000
ISHO RT SR  Major     97.3  96