M5000 XSB in Unavailable and Unmount mode.

Out of 2 system boards in my M5000 one is in UNI mode and other is in quad mode. But the problem is i do not see the 2 XSB out of 4 XSB on the second board as available is there any way to make it available or i 've some missing hardware which is not letting me assign those XSBs

XSCF> showfru -a sb
Device  Location    XSB Mode        Memory Mirror Mode
sb      00          Uni             no
sb      01          Quad            no
XSCF> showboards -a
XSB  DID(LSB) Assignment  Pwr  Conn Conf Test    Fault
---- -------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- --------
00-0 00(00)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal
01-0 01(01)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal
01-1 01(02)   Assigned    y    y    y    Passed  Normal
01-2 SP       Unavailable y    n    n    Unmount Normal
01-3 SP       Unavailable y    n    n    Unmount Normal

fugitive - i feel as if it has something to do with the xsb quad setup. once i get into the office, i can look at a few things and hopefully get back to you.