<< terminator not found error

I am using the following script. I am basically trying to enter data to my database using a storeprocedure.

PFB MY script.

#!/bin/csh -f
foreach FF (`cat ADDUSERS`)
isql -VENKIDB -U gloss -P glosss << _endl
set nocount on
print "Adding the user to GSTB Institutional for User : $FF"
sp_addlogin '$FF', '1$FF'

The script basically takes values from another file which is passing the values one by one as a parameter.

However when I try execute the above script it fails at second line with the below error.

_endl: << terminator not found

I tried various options and could get it corrected. Can someone help in finding out , what exactly I am missing.

Thanks in advance for your help.

use KSH or BASH

Mine is a /bin/csh - cshell..

yes.. change it to ksh or sh or bash


Is this not compatible with cshell? If not it would be great if you let me know on what exactly is the reason.

---------- Post updated at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:17 PM ----------

I actually have another script which has the same snipped for connecting. It also connects through csh shell only. Also I dont get any error for the same.

however when I have just copied the connection line from the other script , I get this error when trying to execute the same in the new one. I am not sure on the type of the error.

let me know if you need the other script for your reference.

make sure there are no spaces after _endl
why not csh
Csh Programming Considered Harmful
Re: [Q] FTp batch job under "csh" error?
[Q] batch FTP program under CSH error ?? - comp.unix.admin | Computer Group

It's hard to tell for sure but it looks like one is end-one and the other is end-lower-case-ell. Make sure they really match.