Lost Mirror, have backup

I need some help. I can not seem to recover my server.

I have a mirrored array of my root disk, c0d0. I was playing with ZFS and I lost the array some how.

I have a backup of the full disk taken with TAR.

Whenever I try and restore to disk from single user booting with CD I get write errors. I can not find a resoure on google.

Any ideas will help. I would like to restore the system as it was if possible.


please provide the steps you're taking to restore. provide output. easier to advise you correctly and directly

Use tar command as follows to retrieve tape drive backup to current directory:
(a) Change directory where you would like to restore files:

# cd /path/to/restore
# pwd
(b) Now, do a restore from tape:

# tar xvf /dev/rmt/0

if you are playing with zfs, maybe your disk is reformatted with an EFI label.

check the label using the format command / select the disk / then fdisk.

Not sure, but isn't in single user mode file system mounted as a read only under /a/file_system?

after booting to single user mode, the OS will try to mount the root volume it found on /a.

kindly post the error message that you got when restoring so we will have clear idea on whats the problem. :slight_smile: