Loops within loops

I am running on HPUX using ksh.

I have a script that uses a loop within a loop, for some reason the script seems to hang on a particuliar record. The record is fine and hits the condition in Blue. If I kill the 1st loop process the script continues on with no problem.

Begin code>

<Some other code>

cat $fileloc2 | while read line
  npanxx=`echo $line |cut -c1-6`
  ocn=`echo $line | cut -c10-13`
  brange=`echo $line |cut -c14-17`
  erange=`echo $line |cut -c18-21` 
  revnpa=`echo $npanxx|sed '/\n/!G;s/\(.\)\(.*\n\)/&\2\1/;//D;s/.//'`
  cat $ocnfile |cut -c1-4| while read input
    if [ $ocn = $input ]
       if [ $pnpanxx != $npanxx ] and [ $frange != T ]
            if [ $brange = 0000 ]
                if [ $erange = 9999 ]
                    sed 's/NPANXX/'$npanxx'/g;s/XXNAPN/'$revnpa'/g;s/Y/I/g' $hfile >> $tempfile
                     erange=`expr $erange + 1`
                     sed '0001,'$erange'!d' $hfile > $temp
                     sed 's/NPANXX/'$npanxx'/g;s/XXNAPN/'$revnpa'/g;s/Y/I/g' $temp >> $tempfile
                     rm $temp
               brange=`expr $brange + 1`
               erange=`expr $erange + 1`
               sed ''$brange','$erange'!d' $hfile > $temp
               sed 's/NPANXX/'$npanxx'/g;s/XXNAPN/'$revnpa'/g;s/Y/I/g' $temp >> $tempfile
               rm $temp

Edited -- Added code tags for readability.

Sorry my script had tabs and it didn't retain them when I pasted in. I hope it is not too hard to read.

You can't do stuff like: if [ $pnpanxx != $npanxx ] and [ $frange != T ]

Or at least it won't do what I'm guessing you think it might do. Try this:
if [ 1 = 1 ] and [ 99999 = 1 ] ; then
echo yes

I don't understand how you can "kill the first loop process" and have it continue. :confused:

i'm not sure about this one ...

sed ''$brange','$erange'!d' $hfile > $temp

you might want to check the size of $temp --- it's probably 0 bytes ... i'm guessing that you're killing the sed process in this loop when it hangs because $brange and $erange seem to be within single quotes and are unusable to sed ...

You might consider putting a set -x at the top of the script
and then running it. This would let you debug the script and
find possible error(s)

The $hfile is a hidden file that contains static values that I use a for global replace. I have to create anywhere from 1000 to 10000 block telephone numbers. the vales 0000 - 9999 never change. so I use the sed statement to pull the block out that I need brange = begin range erange = end range. Then I use a global replace on the static values. Lot faster than doing +1 especially if you have to create close to 21 mil records.

This simply strips out duplicates. The table I am parsing has ranges in it
312 314 0000-9999
sometimes the next record would have the same value in it but a smaller range which has already been built.

312 314 0000-9999
312 314 1000-1999

pnpanxx = previous npanxx in file, npanxx = current one I am looking at

I set the frange value to T or F based on if it is a full range or a partial 10k block
312 314 0000-1999
312 314 5000-5999
would set the frange to F

When I do a ps -ef I kill the process that shows my

cat $fileloc2 |while read line
The script continues on at that point, but not where it left off. Which seems like the cat $fileloc is still working.

It just sits there at the one condition untill I perform the kill <process> then it continue's on. The debug isn't telling me to much.

I appreciate all of your suggestions.

Looks as though there was some type of file contention, I simply decided to pipe the sed statements together and everything worked like a charm.
sed '0001,'$erange'!d' $hfile > $temp
sed 's/NPANXX/'$npanxx'/g;s/XXNAPN/'$revnpa'/g;s/Y/I/g' $temp >> $tempfile

sed '0001,'$erange'!d' $hfile | sed 's/NPANXX/'$npanxx'/g;s/XXNAPN/'$revnpa'/g;s/Y/I/g' >> $tempfile