Loop in bash file for mysql

I'm having problems with a script which some of you helped me with last week. It's a script to check the status of orders in an SQL database, and if the count(*) is zero, then the script stops. If it's non-zero, the script echos the result to a file and then in cron, I cat the file and mail it.

First thing first, this script is pig-ugly with all of the echos in there, so I need to tidy that up, but more important is the fact that the second part - from where I've inserted ## second part -- just constantly returns the same order code.

Oh, and it loops.

What a mess.

Can someone help me ?



## get date 

today=`date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H-%S"`

if [ -f /root/extrac.txt ]; then 
	/bin/rm /root/extrac.txt

#### check orders

orderStatus=$(/usr/bin/mysql -N -B mybase -e 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders as o JOIN users as u ON o.userpk=u.pk WHERE o.createdts BETWEEN (now() - INTERVAL 1 day) AND (now() - INTERVAL 4 hour) AND o.p_omsstate=1 AND u.name != "wotsit" AND u.p_username NOT LIKE "e-mail_address@domain.co.uk";')

/bin/echo "" > /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "The date is $today" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "We have verified the number of orders still in 'state' state" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "after four hours." >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt

if [ $orderStatus != "0" ]; then
	/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "The number of orders in this state is not zero." >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "As such, the web order numbers are echoed below : " >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt

## second part 
orderStatus=$(/usr/bin/mysql -N -B mybase -e 'SELECT Code FROM orders as o JOIN users as u ON o.userpk=u.pk WHERE o.createdts BETWEEN (now() - INTERVAL 1 day) AND (now() - INTERVAL 4 hour) AND o.p_omsstate=1 AND u.name != "wotsit" AND u.p_username NOT LIKE "e-mail_address@domain.co.uk";')

while [ $result ]
	/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "$result" >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
	/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt

exit 0 

/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "The number of orders is zero, and as such, no web order numbers are available" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt

/bin/echo "Any questions, please e-mail me@myaddress.com" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "-------------------------------------------------------------" >> /root/extrac.txt
/bin/echo "" >> /root/extrac.txt

The first thing I notice is that you do "while [ $result ]", but haven't set $result anywhere - is this present in your environment?

Also, the body of the while[$result] doesn't modify $result, so it will loop forever if $result is true on entry.

Yeah, it's a complete mess, isn't it? The problem stems from the fact that I could do this in PhP, but it's a production server and they don't want PhP running on it, and so I have to do it in bash, and have never created arrays (which I think is what's required) in bash.

So here is what I hope is a tidier version - especially devoid of those ugly echo statements.

I think it starts to come unstuck at the first line which executes the first SQL query (the red line). If it comes back with 25 results, then what I want in the evaluation (the magenta line) is basically to say ..

if the first query returns anything other than zero lines, then do this. But I can't figure out which variable to use. ?#, ## and so on .. none works.


#                                                      #
#                       weborders.sh                   #
#                          v. 0.1                      #
#                                                      #
#                   Copyright (C) 2013                 #
#                                                      #
#                                                      #

# define some important variables 

today=`date +"%d-%m-%Y"`
ttime=`date +"%H:%S"`
query1="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders as o JOIN users as u ON o.userpk=u.pk WHERE o.createdts BETWEEN (now() - INTERVAL 1 day) AND (now() - INTERVAL 4 hour) AND o.p_omsstate=1 AND u.name != \"Site Confidence\" AND u.p_username NOT LIKE \"andy.smith@mydatabase.co.uk\";"
query2="SELECT Code FROM orders as o JOIN users as u ON o.userpk=u.pk WHERE o.createdts BETWEEN (now() - INTERVAL 1 day) AND (now() - INTERVAL 4 hour) AND o.p_omsstate=1 AND u.name != \"Site Confidence\" AND u.p_username NOT LIKE \"andy.smith@mydatabase.co.uk \";"

# does the output file exist already?  If so, hose it

if [ -f $outPut ]; then
   /bin/rm -f $outPut

# let's run the first query 

result1=$($mysqlExec --skip-column-names -B $database $query1)

# set up beginning of file
# this will be echoed whatever the result of the script

/bin/cat << EOF > $outPut

This is the weborders script on database.

The date is $today.  It is $ttime GMT. 

We have run the query on the mydatabase database.


# this is the first 'if' clause
# this will be run ONLY if the result of $result1 <> 0

if [ $numberResults neq "0" ]; then
	/bin/cat << EOF >> $outPut
There is a non-zero result, and the weborder numbers are echoed below.

	result2=$($mysqlExec --skip-column-names -B $database $query2)
	for x in "${result2[@]}"; do
		/bin/echo ${x} >> $outPut
	/bin/cat << EOF >> $outPut
If you have any questions, please e-mail myemailaddress@anonexistentserver.com


exit 0 

/cat/echo << EOF >> $outPut
There are no orders in a 'submitted' state or corresponding to the 
criteria outlined in the LLS.  As such, the script is exiting.

If you have any questions, please e-mail myemailaddress@anonexistentserver.com.


Okay, you first need to assess whether or not the mysql query went OK or not. Either "set -e" at the start of the script or deal with it when you run the query.

My MySQL is rusty but I checked and you can't run queries by just appending the query string - I get errors (which end up in my variable) when I do that. In stead, do something like:

result1=$($mysqlExec --skip-column-names -B $database <<< "$query1")

Then instead of checking for the number of results, check if the string is empty.

You might also want to do a MySQL count statement (as opposed to a query) which may also be much better if the database is large. Additionally, when I do queries like that all my results end up on one line - you might want to append "limit 1" to your query to get just one result.

Hope this helps.