Looking for a free Pro C compiler

Hi does anybody know where I could get a free HP Unix Pro C Compiler? any website?

Thanks for your help


Pro C for Oracle? It doesn't exist to my knowledge, you need an Oracle license.

If you are already licensed for development you should be able to install Pro*C.

Jim's correct, you can't simply download the Proc C pre-compiler without an Oracle license. I would be that you are licensed (unless you are using some kind of run-time only instance of Oracle)

Since you probably have the Oracle RDBMS installed on your HP system, you should already have the pre-compiler. Check the following directory: $ORACLE_HOME/bin for a proc executable. If it's not there, ask your DBAs why it wasn't installed. If you're licensed and you cannot get the media, your Oracle sales rep will tell you where you can obtain something that will have the proc compiler.


sorry danny iam having the same problem. if you get any info plz let me know