logrotate irrespective of the size of a file/directory

How to logrotate irrespective of the size of a file/directory...?
Please help me in this regard...

I hope I'm not the only one that is going to say this but WHAT? Could you give examples of what you are wanting to do? Do you have any code to share that we could help you with? I don't know if it's just me but your request seems convoluted and extremely unclear. Please give examples.

Hi, Please check the below example,

if [ `grep -c "/var/log/XXX " /etc/logrotate.conf` -eq 0 ] ; then
  echo "/var/log/XXX/*.log "{" >> /etc/logrotate.conf
  echo " rotate 10" >> /etc/logrotate.conf
  echo " size 5M" >> /etc/logrotate.conf
  echo " postrotate" >> /etc/logrotate.conf
  echo " /usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd" >> /etc/logrotate.conf
  echo " endscript" >> /etc/logrotate.conf
  echo " compress" >> /etc/logrotate.conf
  echo " copytruncate" >> /etc/logrotate.conf
  echo "}" >> /etc/logrotate.conf

But what I required is, as my log file never reaches the max size of 5M and it will be max upto 5-10K(which is also not sure), I would like to logrotate it monthly, irrespective of the size whether it reached some specified size. And also I have to zip all the log files while rotation.

You can do something similar to following,
this is from the logrotate man page:

       # sample logrotate configuration file
       /var/log/messages {
           rotate 5
               /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd

What my doubt is, irrespective of the size means, can I ignore using the directive "size" in the code..??