Login/xterm and run script

Hi - I need to have a script run automatically when I login to my solaris 10 system (running CDE). I stuck this in my .cshrc file:

xterm -e /bin/sh -c "/.script-name; exec /bin/sh"

When I login, a window comes up and runs the iteractive script-name, and then when the script is done, my login CDE screen continues to come up as normal. BUT... then it appears that the "xterm..." cmd (above) is run mutiple times again, and about 10+ windows come up all over the screen. What is going on here? I just want it to come up the "first" time.

Put your command in your .dtprofile, not .cshrc.


Another question - how can I increase the text size of what appears in the window?


achenle and jlliagre - thank you very much!