Login shows "PS" but locked

Hello my o/s is:

SunOS sjcorpftp 5.10 Generic_118855-36 i86pc i386 i86pc

I am sys admin for several Sun boxes, whenever a user cannot login I do a

"passwd -s login-name"

the majority of the time the login status will show "PS" when it is locked
once I unlock it, they can login

Has anyone experienced this

thanks much

What is the cause of the lock? Is it expired by age or invalid login attempts perhaps? Have a look in your syslog file. I can remember where it is on Solaris, but read /etc/syslog.conf to find it - usually under /var somewhere.

What does the manual page for passwd tell you? Read not only the one for the command, but also the one for the file and perhaps the one for the shadow file too.

Does this help?


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