Login putty automatically

Hi Guys ,

I am using putty.exe file to login to servers . I heard that there is way to save my username and password in putty so that i no need to give my creds while logging into putty . If so please provide me th way to do so .

Please note : I am not talking about keyfile .

Thanks in advance .

save the hostname as user@hostname to automatically use that username when you activate the session, passwords are not saved in PuTTY, for instant login you do need to use a keyfile.

And for a concise explanation of why read Corona688's post below

You need to generate ssh key for password less login. Do this on your UNIX/Linux server:

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa

When prompted enter blank passphrase for password less login. Public key goes into ~/.ssh directory as id_rsa.pub and private key goes as id_rsa. You need to copy the id_rsa.pub file and save as authorized_keys in the same directory.

cd ~/.ssh
cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys

Now, get the private key id_rsa onto your Windows machine and conmert it to putty compatible key using PuTTYGen.exe. You need to save the .ppk file and use it with PuTTY to get authenticated without using password. All these are because OpenSSH does not support PuTTY keys.

Check the PuTTY documentation page for more info.

Keys were designed to handle this situation, and password logins are designed to prohibit this situation. ssh -- and most authentication systems -- go to some length to ensure a real human is typing the password, not a machine. Third-party cracking utilities are required to accomplish password bruteforcing in UNIX. Shoehorning it into a graphical login in Windows is even more difficult.

"Interactive password authentication" is supposed to mean "Password typed by a human being in realtime authentication" and nothing else will do.

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cool , Thanks man . you rocks . Everywhere I am getting impresses by your responses kewl , you rock . :slight_smile:

It is possible to have automatic logins using a combination of WinSCP and PuTTY.

Create a session in WinSCP and save with password (not recommended).

Change WinSCP application integration preferences:

  • Provide path to PuTTY.exe
  • Remember session password and pass it to PuTTY
  • Automatically open new sessions in PuTTY.

When you now open the saved session, you get both a WinSCP window and a PuTTY window, without typing username or password.

Hello All ,

I am repoening the case , I created keyfile and its working well and good for all , except for AIZ boxes . Now i am looging into server as :

 ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no uid@server 

:frowning: . Please help me , how to overcome this ?[/FONT]