loading MAC X 5.0(leopard) on a X86 laptop

I want to install MAC X 5.x on my T60 Lenova laptop. I have the Original Mac X 5.0 installation media. I tried to install it on a blank hard disk in my laptop but it doesn't work. On the internet I found sites that offer torrent downloads but I can't use torrent downloads on my laptop. (Corp laptop)
So how do I get a copy of the software to install MAC X 5.0 on my X86 pc?
I don't care if it takes all night, I just need to get the copy and no one seems to offer anything except torrent this and that.
I love the MAC, but I have to switch disks to do other things and I thought besides using solaris10 and Centos5 I would load a disk with MAC.
Can anybody hep?

this is not allowed to do. afaik mac software is for mac computers only. thread closed!